My best friend in primary school days was Martin Goetz.  Where are you now, Martin?

I played tennis and chess for Winnersh Grammar School.  Mike Corney always beat me at chess.  The Attewell twins and Ken Tew were my tennis team mates.  I am still in contact with these old schoolfriends but Steven "Sid" Taylor, fitness fanatic and eventual Phantom pilot - where are you now?

I met lots of friends at Leicester University and still meet them all from time to time.  My heart was captured by a Welsh biology student who wore wire-framed spectacles and pigtails, but I only ever spoke to her once.  Sian Williams - where are you now?

At Collingwood School my heart was captured all over again by Jane Aiken (English) and Jo O'Brien (French).  Where are you now, ladies?

I still play bridge with Andrew Dickens from the National Audit Office, but my first partner there was Malcom Leighton, and captain of the team was Norman Bennett. I wonder where they are now?